A Krav Maga Experience…
"When recently traveling to train Krav Maga in Israel, I participated in a “women’s only” training. What I experienced was very different than what the training is like back at home."
"When recently traveling to train Krav Maga in Israel, I participated in a “women’s only” training. What I experienced was very different than what the training is like back at home."
People want simple, easy to learn, effortless self-defense system that will keep them and their loved ones safe from harm. So, is Krav Maga really the simple solution for your self-defense needs?
If your self-defense training addresses these six main principles then the style you are learning will do well to prepare you to confront violence in the real world.
Learning Krav Maga with previous martial arts or combat sports experience. Is having a background in other martial arts an advantage to learning Krav Maga?
Most combat sports have some form of competitions or tournaments to determine the best athletes in the specific discipline. Although Krav Maga training focuses heavily on fighting and self-defense skills, it has no competitions, tournaments or competitive bouts. The question is why?