
Congratulations to our new Krav Maga practitioners!

Last weekend, after a demanding test, a few of our Impact students earned their next rank. Congratulations to our new P1s: Vikki, Penelope, Edwin, Adam, Kevin, Brian, Jose, Cameron and our new P2s: Shannon and Matt! Your hard work and dedication paid off. You did really well and we are very proud of how far you have come along. Looking forward to your future achievements.


author: Impact Krav Maga San Diego

Impact Krav Maga Self-Defense is the Krav Maga San Diego school AList readers have chosen above all the others. It is the only Krav Maga School in San Diego County whose entire instructor staff has been certified by Eyal Yanilov, the generally recognized Source of Krav Maga in the world. We teach authentic, up to date Krav Maga.


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